The Village Square is proud to be a non-partisan public educational forum dedicated to growing civil dialog on divisive issues, maintaining factual accuracy in civic and political discussions, and rediscovering the democratic spirit of debate and compromise on matters of local, state, and national importance. The Village Square Advisory Board, which oversees programming including topics and panelists, is made up of 24 members representing a mix of political affiliations and industries. Currently, among the Advisory Board members, 50 percent are Democrats, 33 percent are Republican, and 16 percent are No Party Affiliation (NPA) or Independents.
The new Advisory Board meets in early summer to determine the topics for the entire year. A wide range of issues is considered. The Advisory Board is divided into sub-committees to explore each topic further and discuss areas that would need to be covered and propose potential speakers. All suggestions are reviewed at the Board level on what is the right makeup of the panel (balance to both sides of the debate, that is, arguments for and against; expertise; civility; name recognition; gender, etc.).