We need you. The Village Square is a completely unique model for civic engagement in modern America. But as good as our new (but actually very old) idea is, we are still swimming upstream against the thriving business of division in America, so there’s nothing easy about this.
Attend Events
The primary public activity of The Village Square is hosting guest speakers on pre-selected topics of local, state and national interest. We offer two programming series:
Dinner at the Square is the signature Village Square event. These meetings are intended to be educational in a format that is entertaining. The debate will be spirited but fact-based and civil. Dinner will be included in your ticket price.
Dinner at the Square dates: October 2021; February 2022; April 2022.
Register for an event!
Sign up for Mailing List
Want to be in the know about our upcoming dinners and events? Then join our mailing list to get the most up to date information.
Sponsor a scholarship to Dinner at the Square
Would you like to send a Broward College student to Dinner at the Square? A $35.00 ticket will buy one dinner ticket for a student. You can sponsor a student by signing them up on the registration page for any one of our events.
Become a “Friend of the Village Square”
Companies will have the opportunity to sponsor the entire season of the Village Square for $10,000, $2,500 and $1,000 and get access to speakers and guests who attend the dinners.
Sponsor a Dinner at the Square
Companies will have the opportunity to sponsor an individual Dinner at the Square for $2,500, $1,000 and $500 and get access to speakers and guests who attend the dinner.
If you are interested in any of the sponsorship opportunities above, please contact BCCommunityRelations@broward.edu.